Tag Archives: craziness

Ummm…Yeah, About Not Posting

Things have been really, really busy over.  Why have they been busy?

Well, hello there, Baby!

Meet Allie, our new little girl.  Our 9 pound, 13 ounce bundle of joy.  Tell you all about her birth later, I promise!

Our new little peanut

It’s been crazy trying to get into a new routine with two little ones.  Unfortunately, Allie seems to have a mild case of reflux on top of colic, so that’s been thrown in the mix as well.  Not to mention that we’re down a car, so I’m running car pool in the morning and afternoon’s for Charlie and John.  Doesn’t leave much time for anything else.  But, I’m working on it.

Things are starting to calm down, especially because the medicine is making things better for Allie.  She’s been on Zantac and Colic Calm for a week now and our evenings are so much better.  She still wants to be held at almost all times, so we’re still working on that.

As things get better here, I’ll be back on the computer more.  I’m hoping that this ends up being sooner rather than later.

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Filed under Baby P, Changes

My Obliviousness Knows No Bounds

Yesterday, the east coast, Philly included, was suffering from the remnants of what was Hurricane Isaac.  The storms were off and on, with downpours that were causing some localized flooding, hail, thunder/lightning, etc.

Just as Charlie and I got in last evening, it started to rain.  She was loving it and wanted to stay out in it.  I wouldn’t let her and got her into the house just as the heavens opened. 

The storm started picking up in intensity, but nothing too crazy.  Lots of wind, heavy rain, simultaneous thunder and lightning.  You can see from my tweets that I thought it was pretty much a strong thunderstorm.  But, it started waning and clearing up.

I was cooking dinner, Charlie was playing and everything was fine.  Then, she started crying for cheese.  She’d eat cheese all day long if we would leave her.  Then the timer was going off.  And, amidst all this cacophony, the phone rings. 

It’s John – Hey, are you ok?  There’s a tornado.

Me –  There’s no tornado.  It’s not even storming.  No rain, nothing.

John – I’m leaving work and there’s a huge wall cloud over the town.  The weather channel has issued a tornado warning for our city.

Me – That’s just crazy.  I’m going insane here because Charlie won’t stop yelling for cheese.  Please, get home quickly.

John – Hello, do you understand me?  Tornado? 

Me – Whatever, just get home.  There’s nothing out there, no storm, nothing.

And, I hung up.

John pulled in about 25 minutes later and kept giving me a rash of crap about the tornado. I just kept waving it off.

Later as we were getting Charlie ready for her bath, I pulled up Twitter.

Me – Huh, what do you know?

John – What?

Me – My Fox Philly is saying there was a tornado that hit about a block away, behind our house.

If I had looked out the back window instead of the front, I would have seen it.

All I heard the rest of the night from John was, “I told you so!”

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Filed under adulthood, funny stories, weather