Tag Archives: no regrets

35 by 36

Here’s my list from last year.  Let’s see what I’ve accomplished…

1. Read 35 books (I’m going to start off with an easy one).   Piece of cake.  I could have done this in my sleep!
2. Stop biting my nails (now we’re into much harder territory). Of course not!
3. Lose 10 pounds before Disney. Sort of.  I’m down 15 pounds from last year, so we’ll call this accomplished, even if it didn’t happen before Disney.
4. Lose 50 pounds in a year. Not quite there.
5. Run a 5K. Nope
6. Get our home completely organized, including the black hole from hell known as the basement. Hahaha!
7. Start eating healthier (more like Charlie’s diet. Heavy on the fruits and veggies). Yes!
8. Get our finances in order to maximize what can be accomplished with them. Nope.  But in the middle of getting this straightened out, so I’ll call it a win.
9. Get my etsy store opened. Yes, there’s already an account, but there’s not enough inventory to actually open. Nope.  Just not enough time in the day.
10. Propagate my beautiful African violets. Nope, but I did buy two new ones!
11. Make éclairs from scratch. Nope.  Actually forgot this was on the list.
12. Turn my postdoctoral position into a permanent one. With the downsizing in the federal government, probably not a realistic goal.
13. Actually see my friends V and M again, and to meet V’s son. I feel like I’ve fallen off the face of the Earth with these two. Accomplished one of the two!  Got to see V a few weeks ago, so, it’s half accomplished.
14. Blog more frequently. At least three times a week. Occasionally.
15. Start my novel. I’m not saying to finish it, but to at least start it. Something I’ve wanted to do since high school. Did anybody know that for a while I actually considered journalism and /or English as a major since I really like to write? Kind of happy that I didn’t go that route. Again, not enough time in the day.
16. Go rappelling. Not even close.  Although I know where to go to do this now.
17. Go to DC for a weekend. I miss it. Nope.
18. Make family Christmas stockings for John, Charlie, and myself. Nope.  We didn’t even hang stockings!
19. Buy a Belgian waffle iron. Nope
20. Figure out how to post videos with sound on my blog. I’m thinking this may involve YouTube. Yes!  I did this!
21. Stop dressing quite so frumpily (Is that a word? If not, it should be).   Not really.
22. Knit a sweater for myself or John. Charlie doesn’t count. I’ve already knitted ones for her, and they are little and quick. Again with the whole no time thing.
23. Go to the Philadelphia zoo. Yes!  And the Brandywine Zoo too.  
24. Go to the Pittsburgh zoo. Very soon (the date is set), so I’ll mark this as done.
25. Get down to the Jersey Shore (and not AC). Yes!
26. Build a pantry in the basement. No, but in the process of building one in the hall closet, so even better!
27. Start seriously thinking about the timing of a second. Yes, and we’ve come to no definitive answer.
28. Take a tour of CBP. No.
29. Finish photobooks of our wedding, our honeymoon, Charlie’s Baptism, Charlie’s first year, and my parents’ anniversary party. I did finish my parent’s book, so I guess 1 out of 4 ain’t bad.
30. Get out to see my family at least twice. Yes!  Thanksgiving and Memorial Day!
31. Go to see the orchestra. I haven’t been in a long time and John’s never been. Nope
32. Try Ethiopian food. I’ve heard it’s very tasty. Nope.
33. Have a massive yard sale (see #6 above regarding the basement). Nope.
34. Get into a routine for keeping the house clean and in order. The charts have been made, now we just have to implement them. This is exactly where it was last year!

And Finally One To Grow On…

35. Have a great year with no regrets!  Well, I can say that even though I didn’t accomplish everything, I have no regrets!

So, here’s my list for this year.  I’ve carried some of the goals over from last year.

1. Read 36 books (The easy goal).
2. Stop biting my nails (now we’re into much harder territory).
3. Lose 25 pounds before Disney. Yes, we’re going agin this year!  Charlie’s still free after all ;P
4. Lose 50 pounds in a year.
5. Run a 5K.
6. Get our home completely organized, including the black hole from hell known as the basement.
7. Try to eat less meat and to produce wholesome, inexpensive meals.  I’ve got a whole blog series ready about this, and it should be coming soon!
8. Finish getting our finances in order to maximize what can be accomplished with them. This includes actually becoming proactive in my IRA and necessitates me actually buying new car insurance, not just getting the quotes.
9. Clean out my car AND KEEP IT THAT WAY!
10. Get all of our papers scanned and onto a storage device.
11. Exercise at least 3 times a week.
12. Find a new job.  Mine’s up in June and I don’t want to be unemployed again.
13. See more of my friends! (This includes Sh, M, A, and B (from The Cape on The Corner))
14. Blog more frequently. At least three times a week.
15. Start my novel. I’m not saying to finish it, but to at least start it. Something I’ve wanted to do since high school. Did anybody know that for a while I actually considered journalism and /or English as a major since I really like to write? Kind of happy that I didn’t go that route.
16. Go kayaking one Sunday morning with L.L. Bean.  It’s $20 bucks, why am I waiting?
17. Go to DC for a weekend. I miss it.
18. Make family Christmas stockings for John, Charlie, and myself.
19. Buy a Belgian waffle iron.
20. Finish homemade Christmas presents for many people on our list.
21. Stop dressing quite so frumpily (Is that a word? If not, it should be).
22. Get Charlie’s too small clothing completely put away.  This should take all of a half day if I really put my mind to it.
23. Start packing a lunch at least 4 days a week.
24. Get all of our photos organized, and get at least a few printed to put on the walls.
25. Finish applying for my NJ teaching certificate.  All I have to do is sign an oath and send my transcripts in (and they are sitting in my armoire).  Shouldn’t be too hard.
26. Build a pantry in the closet.
27. Start my super secret science project that only a few friends know about.
28. Take a tour of CBP.
29. Finish photobooks of our wedding, our honeymoon, Charlie’s Baptism, her first year, and her second year
30. Get out to see my family at least twice.
31. Go to see the orchestra. I haven’t been in a long time and John’s never been.
32. Try Ethiopian food. I’ve heard it’s very tasty.
33. Have a massive yard sale
34. Get into a routine for keeping the house clean and in order. The charts have been made, now we just have to implement them.

35. Eat at Sbraga again.  That was some tasty foie gras soup…

And Finally One To Grow On…

36. Have a great year with no regrets!  We’ll keep this one here.  I kind of like it 🙂

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Filed under Birthdays, Family